Our first meeting of this school year began with getting the girls situated with a pre-meeting craft... we made "Friendship Circle" SWAPS. For today, we instructed the girls to put their SWAPS on their shirt or vest, but typically their SWAPS will either be traded with other troop's Girl Scouts and/or placed on a canvas baseball cap. Our new Girl Scouts will receive their canvas baseball cap at our next troop meeting.
After our SWAP activity, we came together to prepare for snack.
Today's snack was a story about the qualities of what goes into a Girl Scout Troop. Leader, Teri read the "Recipe of a Girl Scout Troop", while the Junior Girl Scouts emptied the ingredients in a large bag. We made Girl Scout Gorp and we believe the girls had fun eating it!
Next we had the returning Girl Scouts lead the Troop in opening our meeting with the Girl Scout Promise:
On my honor, I will try (I pledge my good name and respect for others)
To Serve God (I will observe my personal spiritual beliefs)
and my country, (I will be a good citizen of the United States of America)
To help people at all times (I will be courteous and look to assist or serve others)
And to live by the Girl Scout Law (I will use the Girl Scout Law as my daily guide)
The Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be:
Honest and fair,
Friendly and helpful,
Considerate and caring,
Courageous and strong, and
Responsible for what I say and do,
And to respect myself and others,
Respect authority,
Use resources wisely,
Make the world a better place, and
Be a sister to every Girl Scout.
We discussed the Girl Scout Promise as a group and the significance of holding the right hand up showing three fingers. (This sign stands for the three parts of the Promise as well as the "three C's" of "Courage Confidence and Character" from the Girl Scout mission statement. FYI~A Girl Scout handshake is a formal way of greeting other Girl Scouts and Girl Guides. You shake hands with the left hand and give the Girl Scout sign with your right hand.)
PROJECT for our new Girl Scouts~ To help them learn the Girl Scout Promise, we encouraged the girls to take home a printed copy of the Girl Scout Promise to color and post somewhere visible to help them memorize.
We broke into our different Girl Scout levels and played a game to learn more about each other. After the game, the leaders took the opportunity to talk with the girls to get a feel for what kind of things they would like to do and accomplish over the year. Each girl was asked to share one or two things they would really like to do this year as a troop. The girls came up with some fun ideas! ASK YOUR GIRL SCOUT WHAT SOME OF THE IDEAS SUGGESTED WERE.
As their leaders, we will try our best to organize their goals into tangible projects.
We ended our time together in the Girl Scout traditional "Friendship Circle"...

Thank you moms who stayed during the troop meeting and helped things run more smoothly!
Your time and help is MUCH APPRECIATED!