Showing posts with label Songs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Songs. Show all posts

Friday, January 7, 2011


It was great seeing everyone back from our holiday break. We began our meeting with snack and drink graciously provided by mom's Jessica R. and Lisa S. THANK YOU! for your "snack time" contribution.
After snack, we briefly recapped the challenge the girls were given at the end of our last troop meeting in December. The challenge?...
Try to "give away" the gifts of kindness and love at least once a day (to family, friends, and strangers) over the holiday season. These gifts could be a simple smile, happily helping with chores, a kind compliment, etc.

The girls shared different ways they accomplished this challenge over the Christmas break. The girls were reminded that gifts of kindness and love throughout the entire year are actually part of the Girl Scout Promise.

We all stood together and recited the Girl Scout Promise to officially open our troop meeting.

Our meeting was about learning the 8 types of cookies we will be selling this cookie season (from ABC Smart Cookies). We discussed goal setting, being prepared for selling, *the order form, and the incentive program (which is "cumulative" this year- meaning if a Girl Scout sold 200 boxes of cookies, they would receive the Friendship Bracelet Kit in addition to all the incentives before it: Digital Calculator, Mini FM Radio, Set of 5 Appliques, & Theme Patch.) *Please review your order form for a detailed list and pictures of incentives, for the cookie information, and safety guidelines.

We learned a new cookie song "Yum, Yum, Yum" and the girls were given a song sheet with this song and two others on it and challenged to try to learn the songs by next troop meeting. The challenge is on!!! Let's see how the girls will do...

"Yum Yum Yum"
[Tune: Are you sleeping?]
Girl Scout Cookies,
Girl Scout Cookies,
Yum, Yum, Yum,
Yum, Yum, Yum
Eat 'em by the dozen,
Eat 'em by the dozen
They're all gone,
They're all gone.[Source: Unknown]

"Girl Scout Cookies"
[Tune: Macarena -- complete with dance motions! ]
Buy some Girl Scout cookies
They are sooooo yummy
You can eat 'em all day
Ooooohhhh, Girl Scout cookies!!
Girl Scout cookies
Three fifty a box
They're so yummy
Buuuuyyyy lots!!
[Source: Dreamt up by (literally!) Rachel in Troop 343 from Scottsdale, AZ]

"Cookie Sale Song"
[Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic: 1861]
We're selling Girl Scout cookies,
Yes, it's Girl Scout Cookie time!
"Would you like to buy some?"
Is our cookie selling line.
We've got lots to choose from,
Don't you see your favorite kind?
We thank you very much!
Glory, glory we are Girl Scouts!
Smiling, cookie selling Girl Scouts!
Please buy cookies, you can help us.
We can't eat them all ourselves!
[Source: words: Pam Gibson, Citrus Council (FL); music: W. Steffe ]

As a simple craft to celebrate "Cookie Time", we made buttons the girls are encouraged to wear during cookie selling season:

Kit bought at Hobby Lobby for $4.99
(12 buttons in a kit)

Logos were printed off the ABC Smart Cookie website cut to fit the button and then snapped in place to complete the project.
Check out the website for MANY other neat clip art designs to make your own variety of buttons! (go to "Art Gallery" then click "Illustrations" - we got this one in "Logos")

This is Jessie's creation on her Brownie vest.

LAST~ We encourage all our Girl Scouts to explore the ABC Smart Cookie web site for fun games, motivation, ideas, and information. There area areas for each level and like mentioned earlier in this post, a great place to record and monitor their goals!

REMINDER: Cookie selling begins Sunday, Jan. 16. (please do not start before this date) Booth sales begin Friday, Jan. 21. The last day of Cookie Sales is Sunday, Feb. 27.

Watch your email for upcoming information on troop cookie pick up and booth sale dates/times.

THANK YOU, parents, for supporting your Girl Scout in this wonderful opportunity and experience.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


We are in the first planning stages of a "end of year" Girl Scout Troop #9691 sleepover camping party that will be held at the school tentatively May 14-15 (Fri/Sat). We have received approval from Mr. Campbell to have our party camp out, but have no details as of yet and will give more information as we receive it. We will need to begin planning and getting some committees together for this fun event. Think about how you might want to volunteer. MORE TO PARENTS ON THIS AT A LATER TIME (through email and flyers).

To close our troop meeting this week, we learned two new songs that we'll for sure sing at our camping sleepover.

If You're Happy and You Know It (Alternate version)
submitted by Scott Darrington
Dillon, MT Troop 265

If you're happy and you know it scratch your side,
If you're happy and you know it scratch your side,
If you're happy and you know it then you really ought to show it,
If you're happy and you know it scratch your side.

If you're happy and you know it jump up and down...

If you're happy and you know it say ooh-ooh...

If you're happy and you know it do all three...

(You end looking like a monkey!)

Tom the Toad
Tune: "O Tannenbaum" / "O Christmas Tree"

Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,
Why are you lying on the road?

Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,
Why are you lying on the road?

You did not see the car ahead,
And now you're marked with tire tread.

Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,
Why are you lying on the road?