Wednesday, October 7, 2009

MUSIC Anyone?

Our meeting was focused around MUSIC and each Girl Scout at this week's meeting earned a "Music Patch" for their particular GS level ~ Daisy (Fun Patch), Brownie, Junior (click level to see patch earned. Patches will be awarded at a future meeting).

We discussed:
  • What is Music?
  • How many of you regularly listen to music?
  • Do any of you play a musical instrument or enjoy singing?
  • Where do you usually listen to your music?
  • Why do people listen to music?
  • and What kind of music do you all listen to the most?

The girls were all very sharp with answering these many questions! Many of the Girl Scouts in our troop are involved in playing a variety of instruments from piano, to flute, to guitar, and even violin! Everyone in our troop likes to sing!

We learned a new word and definition: GENRE Can everyone say GENRE (zhan-ra)? ...the voices of young girls all say their new word together several times.

As the girls all sat in a semi-circle on the floor, facing a boom box with 13 different styles of music, they were challenged to identify the genre of music as each tune played.
...soft rock?
...big band/swing?
...traditional Christmas?
...hip hop?
...heavy metal?
...soft rock?

CHALLENGE: Listen to the variety of music on the play list below and see if you can identify each different genre. (not all are represented, several are duplicated)

DID YOU KNOW? it has been proven that when words are put to music people are able to remember the words easier than if the words were just spoken regular tone? TRY THIS~ When you have school work to study or memorize and are having a challenge remembering it, try making a song putting the words you're learning to a familiar tune (like twinkle twinkle little star or any song that you like) This exercise should help you remember what you're trying to learn! (Like Hannah Montana did with the song and dance in the episode where she had to learn the bone names of the human body)

To have fun incorporating different musical instruments, we played "Musical Instrument Charades"! The girls were creative with acting out playing piano, flute, guitar, trumpet, harmonica, the list goes on...
We ended our troop meeting breaking into our different Girl Scout levels (Daisy, Brownie, Junior) and each completed a "Friendship Circle" ~The friendship circle is often formed at the end of meetings or campfires as a sort of closing ceremony. Everyone gathers in a circle where they cross their right arm over their left in front of them and hold hands with the people on either side. Once everyone is silent, the leader starts the friendship squeeze which is passed from hand to hand. Often the girls will make a wish after their hand has been squeezed before they pass the squeeze along. Also, in some larger groups, the girls put their right foot out into the circle when they receive the friendship squeeze, so that everyone can see it travel along the circle.


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